So what, you wanted to see what you are made of
So what, you wanted to know just who you are
You weren't a complete stranger to yourself
So you should have known
Should have known you weren't the kind
Should have known your void runs deep
Should have known you couldn't do it
Couldn't leave your heart out of this
The first time you realized that there were choices
Just lying around in wait
For you to make for you to notice for you to take
For you
Dizzy and drunk on wasted years
Angry with the course
Distraction and unfamiliarity
To make you forget yourself
But you are nothing if not passionate
You are nothing without fantasy
You are everything you are trying to conquer
For fear and desperation
But don't forget
You still exist
Outside of definitions
So what, you found a trove of complexities
So what, you found new endings and beginnings inside
You'll grapple with your completion forever
This you've always known